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Fachbereich Soziale Arbeit und Sozialwissenschaften Dr. phil. Anne Sophie Krossa
+49 6131 28944-385
Raum 2.002
Zum Profil

Office hours

on appointment


Social Sciences
focus on macro-sociological theory and empirical research of migration and integration

Short Bio

Sophie Krossa gained her doctorate at the University of Osnabrück as a member of a research group of the German Research Foundation (DFG). From 2007 to 2011 she was Lecturer in European Studies at Lancaster University/UK, and from 2011 to 2015 she has been Associate Professor of Sociology at the universities of both Giessen and Siegen/Germany, with some months of maternity leave in 2012.
She has authored, edited and co-edited several books and articles and taught at various universities continuously since 2004. She has developed and established new study programs, an MA and a Dual PhD, and is a reviewer for several journals, publishers and the ESRC. Since 2011, she is the editor of the book series Europe in a Global Context with Palgrave Macmillan.

Research Interests

Sociological Theory
in particular conflict, society, difference, border, globalisation and Europe.
Empirical Research
especially on refugees and volunteers, ideas of ‘integration’, practices and communications of exclusion and inclusion, ascriptions of dirtiness/cleanliness and group formation, (non-) integration via sports/football, circulation of material/vestimentary signs
qualitative methods, ethnographic approach; mainly ethnographic interview, group discussion, role play, (participant) observation, breaching experiment, discourse analysis

Current Research Groups

Integration via Football?
How does integration via sports function? Does it function at all? Which ideas of ‘integration’ do the various actors in the field have and how do they relate? How do the comparatively high support moneys feed into the dynamics?
Together with my husband, Dr. Kristian Naglo, and equipped with some incubation funding, I lead a group of five researchers on the subject. In contrast to most studies on the subject, we apply an ethnographic approach, striving to understand deep-reaching, usually hidden practices and structures.
Circulation of material/vestimentary signs
As part of a larger international research project, led jointly by Prof. Dr. Kornelia Hahn at the University of Salzburg and me, I specifically address the following questions: ‘Which social dynamics of material and human mobilities can be illustrated and analysed via the framework of used clothes donations?’, and ‘Which consequences and functions in relations between volunteers and refugees can be derived from this?’
This is elaborated on the basis of group discussions and ethnographic interviews.
Facets of delineation in relations between volunteers and refugees
Which necessities of delineation do volunteers perceive in their work on and with refugees?
Following a practice-oriented request of a regional institution that works as intermediary and lobbyist for refugee affairs and a small research contract, my colleague Prof. Dr. Judith Lehnart (Psychology) and I jointly lead a research group, comparing attitudes of active volunteers and those who ceased working in the field, in order to develop general counsel in this thematic area. The main methodical approach is group discussion, complemented by ethnographic interviews.

Group Membership

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS), Sektion Europasoziologie (since 2004)
British Association for Slavic and East European Studies (BASEES) (since 2005)
University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) (since 2005)
Research Group on Europe and Globalisation, Lancaster University (since 2008)
European Sociological Association (ESA) (since 2009)
Board member of Johannes Foundation Mainz (since 2019)

Selected Publications

(2020) Analysing Society in a Global Context. Empirical Studies on Sociation Processes of Volunteers and Refugees. Palgrave Macmillan.
(2018) Gesellschaft. Relevanz eines Kernbegriffs der Soziologie im Wandel. VS-Springer.
(2013) Theorizing Society in a Global Context. Palgrave Macmillan.
Review by Tara Brabazon, Professor of Cultural Studies, Flinders University Adelaide on goodreads, July 23, 2019.
“Magnificent. This is theory. This is proper - capital T - brain enlarging - let's take on knowledge - Theory. Krossa takes on the cosmopolitan sociologists and the normative parameters they activate and summons in a rigorous, careful, considered and potent critique. This is a terrific book, the best of what a deep theoretical investigation can achieve. She takes on Beck and Urry and Latour and grinds their arguments into the dust.
I am so glad that I found this book. It is one of the few monographs that we read in our lives that changes us. I am a different person after having read this book.”
⇒ External Link
Review by Daniela Jauk, Assistant Professor for Sociology and Criminal Justice, University of Akron, OH  in Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (2015) 67: 357f.
„Das Buch leistet, was der Titel verspricht: Eine Wiederbelebung des aus der Mode gekommenen Begriffs „Gesellschaft“, die in eine kritische Diskussion von Globalisierungsbegriffen eingebettet wird (…). Krossa entwickelt offenere, flexiblere neue Konzepte, die besser in der Lage sind, das Soziale in einem globalen Kontext zu beschreiben und revidiert die Konflikttheorie in vielversprechender Weise (…).Der Mut zur Konflikttheorie und das Überwinden von dichotomen Begriffspaaren sind (…) vielversprechende und richtungsweisende Anleitungen für eine globale Soziologie der Zukunft.“
(2005) Kollektive Identitäten in Ostmitteleuropa: Polen, Ungarn und Tschechien und die Integration der Europäischen Union (Collective Identities in East Central Europe: Poland, Hungary, and Czech Republic and the Integration of the European Union). Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin. 
Edited Books
(2011) Europe in a Global Context. Palgrave Macmillan. 
(2012) European Cosmopolitanism in Question. Palgrave Macmillan. Co-edited with Roland Robertson. 
Articles and Book Chapters
(2019a) ‚Integration durch Fußball!? Integrationsideale und -realitäten in einem Sportangebot für geflüchtete Kinder‘. Co-written with Kristian Naglo, in: Fußball und Gesellschaft 1/1, 69-89.
(2019b) ‘European Identity as a Process – Identification via Conflict’, in: Welz, Frank and Tasheva, Gallina, The Quest of ‘European Identity’ as a New Challenge for Social Theory. European Sociological Association (ESA) Conference publication, in print.
(2019c) ‘Intricacies of Glocalisation in Practice. Power and Integration in a Refugee Sports Programme’, in: Beyer, Peter (ed.), Festschrift for Roland Robertson. Co-written with Kristian Naglo, accepted.
(2017) ‚Negotiating Difference and Cohabitation: Global Refugees in a German Village‘, in: Caselli, Marco / Gilardoni, Guia (eds.): Globalization, supranational dynamics and local experiences. Palgrave Macmillan, 187-211.
(2016) ‚Andere, Selbste, Grenzen. Momentaufnahme eines Diskurses zur globalen Migration', in: Culture, Practice, and Policy in Europe, 1/1.
 (2012) ‚Why European Cosmopolitanism?‘, in: Robertson, Roland/ Anne Sophie Krossa (eds): European Cosmopolitanism in Question. Palgrave Macmillan, 6-24.
(2011a) ‚Introduction‘, in: Anne Sophie Krossa (ed): Europe in a Global Context. Palgrave Macmillan, 1-7.
(2011b) ‚Society‘, in: Anne Sophie Krossa (ed): Europe in a Global Context. Palgrave Macmillan, 91-102.
(2011c): ‚Eine Diskussion des Konzepts „Gehegter Konflikt“’, in: Langenohl, Andreas/Schraten, Jürgen (Hg.): (Un)Gleichzeitigkeiten: Die demokratische Frage im 21. Jahrhundert. Marburg: Metropolis, 33-47. 
(2009a)  ‘Conceptualizing European Society on Non-Normative Grounds: Logics of Sociation, Glocalization and Conflict‘, in: European Journal of Social Theory 2009 12: 249-264.
(2009b) ‘Glokalisierung als Strukturprinzip der Bildung einer „europäischen Gesellschaft“?‘ (Glocalisation as structural feature of the formation of a 'European society'?, in: Balla, Balint/ Sterbling, Anton (eds.): Globalisierung, Europäisierung, Regionalisierung. Tagungsband der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Sektion Ostmitteleuropasoziologie. Hamburg: Kraemer, 159-176.
(2009c) ‘Form vor Inhalt, oder: „Nicht was, sondern wie wird diskutiert“. Diskurse zu Geschichte und Erinnerung in Ostmitteleuropa am Beispiel Polens‘ (Not what but how is it discussed. Discourses on history and memory in East Central Europe: The Polish example), in: Majerus, Benoit et al. (eds.): Nationale Erinnerungsorte hinterfragt (Examining national lieux de mémoire). Brussels: Peter Lang, 247-261.
(2007) ‘Integration of Unequal Units: Comparing the German and the European Unification Process’, in: Journal of Contemporary European Research (JCER), Vol. 3, Issue 1, 1-17. ⇒ External Link 
(2006) ‚“Ostmitteleuropa“ ODER „Europa“?‘ (‚East Central Europe’ OR ‚Europe’?), in: Osteuropaforschung – 15 Jahre ‚danach’. Forschungsstelle Osteuropa Bremen, Arbeitspapiere und Materialien No. 77, 30-33.
(2005a) ‚Europäisierung ostmitteleuropäischer Identitäten?‘ (Europeanisation of East-Central European Identities?), in: Salimi-Asl, Cyrus; Wrasse, Eric; Schuch, Gereon (eds.): Die Transformation nationaler Politik. Europäisierungsprozesse in Mitteleuropa (The transformation of national politics. Processes of Europeanization in Central Europe). Berlin: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik, 245-263.
(2005b) ‚Historische und aktuelle Wahrnehmungen: Deutschlands Rolle als Problem bei der tschechischen EU-Integration‘. ⇒ External Link
Encyclopedia Entries
(2012a) 'Eurocentrism', in: George Ritzer (2012): Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Volume II. 2nd Edition, Riley Blackwell, 570-571.
(2012b) 'European Society', in: George Ritzer (2012): Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Volume II. 2nd Edition, Riley Blackwell, 597-601.
(2012c) ‘Society’, in: George Ritzer (2012): Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Volume IV. 2nd Edition, Riley Blackwell, 1886-1889.
Book Reviews
(2010): Jürgen Habermas: ‘Europe, the faltering project’, in: Perspectives on European Politics and Society 11/1, p 119-130.
(2008) ‘Central European History and the European Union: The Meaning of Europe’, in:  Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS), 46/4, p 921-922.
(2008) David M. Green (2007): ‘The Europeans’. Political Identity in an Emerging Policy, in: Journal of Contemporary European Research (JCER).
(2007): Joseph S. Joseph (Hg) (2006): ‘Turkey and the European Union. Internal Dynamics and External Challenges’, in: Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS), June 2007.

Selected Papers

February 2019: ‘But that coat was still good!’ Negotiating Volunteer-Refugee Relations via Donated Clothes. Conference ‘Mobilities and Transformation: Understanding Societies, Economies, and Environments on the Move’. Universität Salzburg/Österreich, invited speaker
November 2018: ‚Die bunte Gesellschaft, die Grenzen der Toleranz‘ – Ambivalenzen zwischen Geflüchteten und Ehrenamtlichen. Institut für Soziologie, Universität Darmstadt, invited speaker
September 2018: ‚Integration durch Sport – ein Selbstläufer?‘ Landessportbund Rheinland-Pfalz, together with Kristian Naglo, invited speaker
September 2018: ‚Geflüchtete und Ehrenamtliche. Ambivalenzen von Grenzräumen‘. Jahreskongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS)
January 2018: ‚In Vielfalt geeint? Das Paradoxon europäischer Identität‘. Universität Innsbruck, invited speaker
November 2017: ‘Risks and Challenges: A Critical Discussion of Academic Views on Migration’. International Conference ‚Refugees and Migrants in a Globalized World : Responsibility and Responses of Universities‘, Pontifical Gregorian Università, Rom
November 2016: ‚Grenzen, Andere und Selbste in der globalen Migration‘. ‚Migration and Integration Conference’, Katholische Hochschule Mainz
Mai 2016: Ambivalence in Refugee-Volunteer-Relations: Issues of Waste Separation, Konferenz der European Sociological Association – Research Network 15 ‘Global, Transnational and Cosmopolitan Sociology’, Mailand
Juli 2015: Negotiating Difference: Global Refugees in a German Village, Living the Global Conference der Global Studies Association, London
Dezember 2014: Grenzkonzepte. Institut für Soziologie, Gießen.
November 2014: European Identity as a Process – Identification via Conflict. Sociological Theory Conference der European Sociological Association ‘The Quest of “European Identity” as a New Challenge for Social Theory’, Münster
November 2014: Europe as Border – Readdressing Conflict Theory. Paper at the Sociological Colloquium at the Institute of Sociology, University of Giessen.
September 2010: World Society – Beyond ‘either Homogenisation or Heterogenisation’. Inaugurating Bauman Institute Conference, Leeds
November 2009: Europe in the Context of Globalisation – Introducing a Book Project (together with Saskia Vermeylen/Geography and Rebecca Catto/Religious Studies). DELC Research Seminar, Lancaster.
September 2009: One European Society OR Pluralism? A False Antagonism for Contemporary Sociology. ESA-conference, Lisbon/Portugal.
June 2009: On the Concept of Cultivated Conflicts. Comment on a paper of Helmut Dubiel, Research Workshop ‘Conceptualising the Social: Implications of Europeanisation and Globalisation’. Lancaster.
January 2009: Beyond “the Local versus the Global”: the Concept of Glocalization. University of Luxemburg. Invited speaker
December 2008: Lefort on Democracy – Implications for Understanding Europe as a Processing Conflict (together with Helmut Dubiel), University of Giessen. Invited speaker 
October 2008: Conceptualising Europe – a Site of Translation of Meanings, University of Konstanz/Germany. Invited speaker
September 2008: Why ‘European Cosmopolitanism? University of Gent/Belgium.
June 2008: Conceptualizing European Society on Non-Normative Grounds: Logics of Sociation, Glocalization and Conflict Brighton, University of Sussex.
April 2008: Conceptualising European Sociality: Theoretical Advantages and Weaknesses of a Current Sociological Notion. ECPR conference, Rennes/France.
April 2008: Glokalisierung als Strukturprinzip der Bildung einer ‚europäischen Gesellschaft’ im Kontext Osteuropas (Glocalisation as a structural principle of a developing ‘European society’ in the context of Eastern Europe). Conference of the German Sociological Society (DGS), Section Eastern Europe, Bad Kissingen/Germany.
April 2007: Europeanization from the Perspective of Identity: Historical and current Images of Europe in Hungary. Presentation at the conference ‘Becoming Good Europeans? The New Member States in the EU’, Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Washington DC/USA. Invited speaker
November 2006: Der Wandel von Identitäten und Erinnerungsorten in Ostmitteleuropa am Beispiel Polens (Changing Identities and lieux de memoire in East Central Europe: the Polish Example). Presentation at the conference ‘Examining national lieux de mémoire’, University of Luxembourg. Invited speaker
September 2006: A ‘Christian Europe’? Applying an All-European Perspective to Sociological Models of Integration. Presentation at the conference ‘European Unity and Division: Regions, Religions, Civilizations’, Monash University Centre Prato and European University Institute Fiesole/Italy.
April 2006: Comparing European Integration: Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic. BASEES Annual Conference, Cambridge/Fitzwilliam College.
April 2006: ‘European Identity’ as a Problematic Concept – An Approach including Perspectives of the East Central European Countries Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic. UACES Annual Conference, Oxford University.
May 2005: Deutsche und Tschechen in der Europäischen Union (Germans and Czechs in the European Union). Central Europe Academy, Bad Kissingen, Germany. Invited speaker
May 2005: Eine systematische Betrachtung historischer Europabilder in Polen, Ungarn und Tschechien (A Systematical Analysis of historical Images of Europe in Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic). Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel, Germany. Invited speaker
February 2005: Historische und aktuelle Wahrnehmungen: Deutschlands Rolle als Problem bei der tschechischen EU-Integration (Historical and current perceptions: The role of Germany as a problem of the Czech EU-integration). Conference “Mutual perception and practice across the borders: Areas of tension in the German-Czech neighbourhood”, Munich University, Germany.

Taught Courses

Summer semester 2019:
• Methods lecture ‚ Theory, History and Geography of Cultures‘
• Reading seminar ‚ Culture and Everyday Life‘
• Lecture ‘Religionssoziologie’
• Seminar ‘Soziologie des Schmutzes und der Sauberkeit’
Winter semester 2018/2019:
• Lecture ‚Introduction to Social Theory‘
• Reading seminar ‚Begriffe der Gesellschaft‘
• Media seminar on ‚Politics and Economy of Migration and Integration‘
• Practice colloquium
Summer semester 2018:
• Lecture ‚ Theory, History and Geography of Cultures‘
• Reading seminar ‚ Culture and Everyday Life‘
• Lecture ‚ Theory, History and Geography of Migration and Integration‘
• Lecture ‘Religionssoziologie’
• Seminar ‘Soziologie des Schmutzes und der Sauberkeit’
• Photo project seminar ‚Ambivalenzen der Integration‘
Winter semester 2017/2018:
• Lecture ‚Introduction to Social Theory‘
• Reading seminar ‚Begriffe der Gesellschaft‘
• Lecture ‚Politics and Economy of Migration and Integration‘
• Media seminar
• Practice colloquium
Summer semester 2017:
• Lecture ‚ Theory, History and Geography of Cultures‘
• Reading seminar ‚ Culture and Everyday Life‘
• Lecture ‚ Theory, History and Geography of Migration and Integration‘
• Research seminar
Winter semester 2016/2017:
• Lecture ‚Introduction to Social Theory‘
• Reading seminar ‚Begriffe der Gesellschaft‘
• Lecture ‚Politics and Economy of Migration and Integration‘
• Media seminar
Summer semester 2016:
• Seminar Alltagskultursoziologie
Winter semester 2015/16:
• Research seminar 'Globalisierung: Soziologische Klassiker, aktuelle Fragen, empirische Anwendungen'
Summer semester 2015:
• Research seminar 'Grenzrepräsentationen'
Winter semester 2014/15:
• Lecture ‚Schulische Praxis aus sozialwissenschaftlicher Perspektive‘
• Research seminar ‚Soziologische Kernbegriffe‘
• Reading seminar ‚Gesellschaftsbegriffe‘
• Media- and reading seminar ‚Liebe‘
Summer semester 2014:
• Lecture ‚Soziologische Grundbegriffe‘
• Research seminar ‚Globale Konflikte‘
• Reading seminar ‘Soziale Ungleichheit: Feine Unterschiede oder Erlebnisgesellschaft? Bourdieu versus Schulze‘
• Seminar ‚Current Theories of Globalisation‘
Winter semester 2013/14:
• Reading seminar ‚Liebe, soziologisch‘
• Research seminar ‚Alltagssoziologie‘
• Seminar ‚Mobilität‘
Summer semester 2013:
• Lecture ‚Soziologische Grundbegriffe‘
• Reading seminar ‚Norbert Elias‘
• Seminar ‚Konflikttheorie‘
• Proseminar ‚Soziale Beziehungen – Alles ist Shopping?‘
Winter semester 2012/13:
• Lecture ‚Klassiker der Soziologie‘
• Seminar ‚World Society‘
• Proseminar ‘Alltagskultur’
• Reading seminar ‘Everyday Life Culture’
• Seminar ‘Krise’
Summer semester 2012:
• Lecture ‚Soziologische Grundbegriffe‘
• Reading seminar ‚Georg Simmel‘
• Proseminar ‚Interpretationen von <Krise> in klassischen und aktuellen soziologischen Theorien‘
Winter semester 2011/2012:
• Proseminar ‚Interpretationen von <Krise> in klassischen und aktuellen soziologischen Theorien‘
• Proseminar ‚Alltags[kultur]soziologie‘
• Seminar ‚Gesellschaftstheoretische Perspektiven im Kontext von Globalisierung‘
• Lecture ‚Kommunikation und Konflikt: Theorie und Medialer Kontext‘
Summer semester 2011:
• Seminar ‚Strukturen und Wandel der Gegenwartsgesellschaft, Teil 2‘, Institut für Soziologie/Universität Innsbruck
Winter semester 2009/2010:
• Seminar ‚Strukturen und Wandel der Gegenwartsgesellschaft, Teil 1‘, Institut für Soziologie/Universität Innsbruck
Michaelmas term 2008 to Summer term 2011:
• Lecture and Seminar 'European Culture of Everyday Life' (Lancaster University [LU])
• Lecture ‘Questionnaire Design’ (LU)
• Lecture ‘Research Skills’ (LU)
• Supervision of theses (BA, MA, PhD Dissertations)
Lent term 2008-2011:
• Lecture and Seminar 'Introduction to Modern Europe' (LU)
Michaelmas term 2007-2011:
• Lecture and Seminar 'The European Union: Are we all Europeans now?' (LU)
Summer Semester 2007:
• Seminar 'Culture and Everyday Life', Bachelor Studies 'Social Science', University of Siegen
• Seminar 'Current Forms of Sociality in European Processes of Transnationalisation', Master Studies 'Comparative Social Sciences', University of Siegen
• Seminar 'Theories of Modernity', Department of Sociology, University of Giessen
• Seminar 'Classics of Sociological Thought', Department of Sociology, University of Giessen
• Seminar 'Introduction to the Sociology of Organisation', Department of Sociology, University of Giessen (co-taught with Andreas Langenohl)
Winter semester 2005/2006:
• Seminar 'Collective Identities in the new Member States: Towards a European Identity?' at the University of Bonn, Postgraduate Programme 'European Studies' (co-taught)
Winter semester 2004/2005:
• Seminar 'Sociology of Conflict in the Context of European Integration', Department of Social Sciences, University of Göttingen
Summer semester 2004:
• Seminar 'Region – Nation – Europe: Types of Collective Identity in East Central Europe and the Integration of the EU', Department of Social Sciences, University of Göttingen

Extracurricular Teaching Activities

Academic Year 2019/2020:
Seminar ‚Soziologie der Liebe‘
Academic Year 2018/2019:
Colloquium Sociology
Academic Year 2017/2018:
Seminar ‚Soziologie der Liebe‘
Academic Year 2016/2017:
Placement organisation
Academic Year 2014/2015 and 2015/2016:
Interdisciplinary Research Group 'Border Representations'
Academic Year 2012/2013 and 2013/2014:
Colloquium ‘Soziologische Theorie’, Universität Siegen
Academic Year 2010/2011:
March 2011: ERASMUS Intensive Seminar 'Myth, Nation Building and Identity Formation', Universität Siegen, with Lancaster students
Academic Year 2009/2010:
June 2010: Masterclass for postgraduates as part of the research workshop 'Europe and Globalisation', Universität Siegen
March 2010: ERASMUS Intensive Seminar 'Myth, Nation Building and Identity Formation', Universität Siegen, with Lancaster students
Academic Year 2008/2009:
July 2009: Allianz Summer Academy, with Lancaster students, with students from LMU München, CEU Budapest, Bocconi Milano, Science Po Paris
June 2009: Masterclass for postgraduates as part of the research workshop 'Conceptualising the Social: Implications of Europeanisation and Globalisation’, Universität Lancaster
Academic Year 2007/2008:
July 2008: Allianz Summer Academy, with Lancaster students, with students from LMU München, Collegium Civitas Warschau, Universität Cluj, Science Po Paris
June 2008: Masterclass for postgraduates as part of the research workshop 'Europa und Globalisierung'

Further Trainings

2019: Leadership Programme, IFCU, Rome
2011: Professional Development Programme ‚Managing Staff Wellbeing‘, Lancaster University
2010: Professional Development Programme ‘Effective People Management’, Lancaster University
2009: ‘Certificate of Academic Practice/CAP’ (one-year programme), Lancaster University
2008 – 2011: 'Coaching and Mentoring', Lancaster University

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